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Committee details

Asset and Enterprise Committee

Purpose of committee

The functions within the remit of the Asset and Enterprise Committee are:


To manage any lands or property of the Council and provide strategic property advice relating to the Council’s Housing Stock


The Council’s Asset Management Plan


The acquisition and disposal of land and property and taking of leases, licenses, dedications and easements.


The granting variation renewal review management and termination of leases licenses dedications and easements


Promoting the use of Council owned assets by the local community and other interested parties.


To manage any lands or property of the Council;


To include properties within the Council's Asset Management Portfolio including Halls etc.


To take a strategic approach to asset management, ensuring that the use of all of the Council’s Property assets achieves Value for Money and supports the achievement of the Council’s corporate priorities.


To review the Corporate Asset Management Plan annually.


The acquisition of land in advance of requirements for the benefit, improvement or development of the Borough.


Disposal of land (including by lease) surplus to the requirements of any Panel or Committee.


Appropriation of land surplus to the requirements of a committee.


Promote the use of Council owned assets by the local community and other interested parties where appropriate


Property and asset management, including acquisitions and disposals not included in the approved Asset Management Plan.




To take a strategic approach to commercial activity, both existing and new, ensuring the council realises revenue generation opportunities and supports the achievement of the Council’s corporate priorities.


Promoting a culture of entrepreneurialism and building the required skills and capacity.


To consider, and approve, business cases and commercial business plans for commercial activity.


Contact information

Support officer: Claire Hayden (01277 312 741).

Postal address:
Town Hall
Ingrave Road
CM15 8AY

Phone: 01277 312 741
