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Agenda item

Notice of Motion


Three Notice of Motions had been received, as detailed in the report.


Motion 1 – Received on 1st June 2022 @ 12:51


Mover:  Cllr Lewis                          Seconder: Cllr Naylor


Recent economic analysis suggests the numbers of electric vehicles in the UK will reach 10 million by 2030 and 15 million by 2035. By 2030, this may imply a total pool in Brentwood of 15,000 - 20,000 electric vehicles.


Brentwood currently has [3] public charging points. Given the importance of electric vehicles to our future environment and economy and the difficulty of many electric vehicle owners in accessing personal charging facilities, there is a strong case for public and private commercial provision of electric charging facilities.


This council requests that within 4 months of today’s date (or the next subsequent PRED committee thereafter), a report be prepared for PRED including an analysis of:


- current and future resident and business requirements for electric charging facilities in Brentwood 2022-2030


- options for the different types of public and private commercial provision of electric charging facilities in Brentwood including a comparative analysis of the costs, revenues, benefits and risks of each possibility


- an assessment of what other councils across the UK are doing in this area


- recommendations of next steps in regard to implementation of the required EV charging points for PRED committee to review, assess and approve.


Following a full discussion, a vote on the motion was taken by a show of hands and the motion was LOST. 



The meeting was adjourned at 20:50 for a 10 minute comfort break.


Motion 2 – Received on 3rd June 2022 @ 19:07


Mover:  Cllr Hones                        Seconder: Cllr Hossack


This council objects to the East Anglia Green proposals to run high voltage cable across East Anglia and subsequently through Essex and the Borough of Brentwood, to deliver offshore wind generated power from Norfolk through to Tilbury.


We are fortunate to have natural assets in the form of a coastline and the Thames Estuary by which offshore power can be delivered to a location on the Thames, with minimal disturbance to land.


The National Grid appear to have discounted offshore cabling and come up with a solution that cuts a scar right across east Anglia, with questionable logic as to how the construction of infrastructure and supply of necessary materials, could have a lower carbon delivery of the project when compared with offshore cable laying.


The green energy agenda should not be delivered at the expense of our landscapes and the project itself should seek to be delivered with the minimal emission of carbon possible.


This Council resolves to write to National Grid and the Secretary of State at BEIS, requesting current proposals are reconsidered for a less harmful option, extending the consultation period if necessary to include the case for offshore cable routing for the delivery of renewable power.


Following a full discussion, a vote on the motion was taken by a show of hands and the motion was RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY. 



Motion 3 – Received on 6th June 2022 @ 08:12


Mover:  Cllr Laplain                                   Seconder: Cllr M Cuthbert


This council resolves to write to Alex Burghart MP requesting that he details exactly what benefits the legislation on Unauthorised Development that has been introduced, as outlined in his 2019 election manifesto, will have for the people of Brentwood and Essex in general along with the expected timescale for this to be brought forward. Will this legislation stop unauthorised Traveller developments such as those that have occurred at Oak Tree Farm Blackmore and Five Acre Farm Great Warley, both of which have caused Great expense to this Borough as well as expense and distress to local communities?


Cllr Laplain will draft a letter on behalf of the Council to Alex Burghart MP on the mater. 


Following a full discussion, a vote on the motion was taken by a show of hands and the motion was CARRIED. 


Supporting documents: