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Agenda item

Taxi Vehicle Policy

To Follow


The DFT have published the Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards which sets out the minimum standards for licensing authorities to apply with regards to certain aspects of taxi licensing, this report considers these standards and brings together the Council’s policies and procedures into one policy document, reviewing areas of our existing policy to ensure that the minimum standards are met, ready for consultation with the taxi trade and stakeholders.


Mr Adams was present at the meeting and summarised the report.


Members thanked Mr Adams for the report and welcomed the changes.


Following debate a motion was MOVED by Cllr Cloke and SECONDED by Cllr  McCheyne  to approve the recommendations in the report.


A vote was taken and it was RESOLVED that Members:


1.         Note the DFT Statutory and Private Hire Vehicle Standards.

2.         Consider the revised policy and any changes that the Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards have required.

3.         Agree that the revised policy go out for consultation, with any consultation responses being reported back to this committee for further consideration.



Reasons for Recommendation


This policy must be consulted upon as part of the review process. If there are

relevant representations made this committee will have an opportunity to

consider those before adoption.




Supporting documents: