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Agenda item

Notices of Motion

Report to follow.


Six Notices of Motion had been submitted in accordance with Rule 3 in Part 4.1 of the Constitution - Council Procedure Rules and were listed in order of the date received.



1. Cllr Nolan MOVED and Cllr Hossack SECONDED the following Motion:


Whilst recognising the primary focus of effort should be on getting the Brentwood Centre and our Community Halls back up and running for the benefit of the customers that use these facilities. At the appropriate time, this council resolves to produce a ‘lessons learned’ report following our former relationship with the BLT and to use this to further inform the considerations we have already given to operating models as part of our Leisure Strategy work to date.

Cllr Kendall MOVED and Cllr Aspinell SECONDED an AMENDMENT which Cllr Nolan DID NOT ACCEPT.

Members debated the AMENDMENT,  a vote was taken and the AMENDMENT was LOST.

Returning to the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION, during the debate Cllr Tumbridge MOVED and Cllr Hossack SECONDED that ‘the question now be put’ and the MOTION was CARRIED.

A vote was taken on the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION and the MOTION was CARRIED.


2.  Cllr Poppy MOVED and Cllr Hossack SECONDED the following MOTION:


I would like to ask that the CEO, and the MO review the policy of placing members as trustees on outside bodies. As part of the work of the Constitution Working Group (CWG).

Following a debate a vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.



3.  Cllr Bridge MOVED and Cllr Mrs Pearson SECONDED the following MOTION:


This Council notes that its vehicle licensing policy was last updated in 2005. With developments in car technology, this means many modern hybrid and electrical vehicles cannot be licenced by officers as they do not directly meet the requirements of the existing policy. Therefore, this council resolves to update the policy, with a report on a new policy to be presented to a future Licensing Committee meeting, which would allow officers to exercise their discretion on these vehicles.


Cllr Tumbridge advised that prior to the meeting he had discussed with Cllr Bridge expanding the wording of the Motion which Cllr Bridge ACCEPTED and following a discussion a vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED as follows:


This Council notes that its vehicle licensing policy was last updated in 2005. With developments in car technology, this means many modern hybrid and electrical vehicles cannot be licenced by officers as they do not directly meet the requirements of the existing policy. Therefore, this council resolves to update the policy and in doing so will take the opportunity to review the entire policy to take account of all matters that might benefit from amendment  with a report on a new policy to be presented to a future Licensing Committee meeting, which would allow officers to exercise their discretion on these vehicles.


Cllr Jon Cloke requested that as well as electric vehicles being included in the policy, hydrogen and fuel cell powered vehicles should also be included.


4.  Cllr Chilvers MOVED and Cllr Aspinell SECONDED the following MOTION:

As plans move forward towards the re-opening of the Brentwood Centre, this Council resolves to take the opportunity to upgrade, where necessary, the Centre’s disability access facilities and fire safety measures to meet the requirements of any new legislation that has come to pass since the Brentwood Centre was opened.


Following a debate a vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.



5.  Cllr Kendall MOVED and Cllr Mrs Davies SECONDED the following MOTION:


This Council resolves to undertake an audit of the decision making under the lease arrangements and Management Agreement between the Brentwood Trust and the Council.  The report to include an analysis of the records available to the officers or that are in the public domain.  The report to be bought to Audit and Scrutiny by 31 March 2021.


Following a debate a vote was taken and the MOTION was LOST.


6.   Cllr Haigh MOVED and Cllr Lewis SECONDED the following MOTION:

This Council resolves that before it enters into any further non-disclosure agreements relating to income generating projects, the agreements are disclosed to, and discussed by, all elected members prior to execution. It is imperative moving forward that elected members have full knowledge and understanding of any such agreements to protect the interests of investing residents of this Borough.

Furthermore, this Council believes that in dealing with the responsibilities of investing residents’ monies, a full and open understanding of the risks and rewards of any proposed investments within the boundaries of pre-agreed strategic policies and an agreement by members is a matter of priority.


Following a debate a vote was taken and the MOTION was LOST.


Supporting documents: