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Agenda item


Redevelopment of existing commercial building to provide 30 dwellings, replacement D2 facility (as extension to the existing clubhouse); and associated landscaping and car parking.


Redevelopment of existing commercial building to provide 30 dwellings, replacement D2 facility (as extension to the existing clubhouse); and associated landscaping and car parking.


Ms Burton was present and addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Mr Maxwell, the Agent was also present and addressed the committee in support of the application.


Cllr Foan, West Horndon Parish Council was present and expressed the concerns of the Parish Council in relation to their strong policy relating to development in the Green Belt and potential for increased parking issues at West Horndon Station. 


There is no evidence for the change of use from agricultural building to a Bowls Club. 


Highways issue relating to the pattern of travel arising from the development from A128 that will exceed past rush hour.  Concerns over the increase of construction vehicles and the increase in commuters going into London using car parks in West Horndon, which is already an issue.


Members expressed concerns relating to storage of agricultural machinery currently stored on site and where these be stored in the future.  Issues relating to the openness of the Green Belt (GB1), the lack of affordable housing (H9), traffic movement on what is a busy road with no bus route and no change of use from agricultural use.


The Officer, Mr Howard explained that in 1996 there was an application for the erection of the golf club house together with the continued use of the former agricultural building as an implements store, and that notwithstanding this, the use is lawful through the passage of time;  it qualifies as ‘previously developed land’. 


A motion was MOVED by Cllr Mynott and SECONDED by Cllr Chilvers to refuse the application due to the inappropriate development in the Green Belt (GB1 and paragraph 89 of NPPE), fails to meet the required provision for affordable housing (H9) and the result in the loss of indoor sports facility to the local community (LT8).


A recorded vote was taken, and the members voted:


FOR: Cllrs Chilvers, Morrissey, Mynott, Reed, Ms Slade, and Ms Fulcher (6)


AGAINST: Cllrs Ms Sanders, Faragher, Bridge and Trump (4)


ABSTAIN: Cllrs Ms Middlehurst and Wiles (2)


The Motion was CARRIED to REFUSE the application for the following reasons.


1.      The proposed development, by reason of its siting, would have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing building. The proposal therefore represents inappropriate development in the Green Belt and in the absence of very special circumstances would be harmful to the Green Belt. The proposal is therefore contrary to the provisions of the Framework and Polices GB1 and GB2 of the Brentwood Replacement Local Plan.


2.     The proposed development does not make provision for sufficient affordable as required by the Local Plan. Furthermore, in the absence of sufficient justification to demonstrate why the amount of affordable housing is below the Council’s requirement, the proposal is contrary to Policy H9 of the Brentwood Replacement Local Plan and the provisions of the Framework.  


3.     The proposed development would result in the loss of an indoor sports facility, to the detriment of the local community. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy LT8 of the Brentwood Replacement Local Plan and the provisions of the Framework.  


Supporting documents: