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Agenda item

Verbal Update


KPI’s Housing

Mrs Marsh gave the Members of the committee a summary of the Housing KIP’s.


Rent collections

Rent collection has increased since Quarter 2.  Housing Officer have embarked on a numerous arrears campaigns throughout Quarter 3.   The appointment of 2 assistance income officers who will focus on lower level arrears to prevent them increasing.


Average re-let time

There has been an increase since Quarter 2, this is due to the new Asbestos Management regime which has been introduced.  This adds a minimum of 2 days onto the voids turnaround time plus any additional dates if asbestos is present.


Sheltered Housing re-let have seen a large increase in turnaround times due to a number of less desirable properties being re-let after a long period of time.


Customer Satisfaction

Repairs satisfaction is being monitored closely as there are peaks and drops in the ongoing performances.  Issues seem to lie with first time fix.


Urgent repairs 

Slight decreases on Quarter 2 from Wates.  Officers are working with the contractor to ensure they are delivering 99% target. Closely monitored to make sure the improvements continue.


Oakray continue to deliver Urgent repairs above target.  This will be monitored to ensure the performance continues.


Appointments Kept

A sighting decrease on Quarter 3 has been address in progress meetings, this will be monitored.


KPI’s Empty Homes

An update on the Empty Homes KPIs was presented to Members and this will continue to be monitored.


Whittington Road – Garage Site update

There had been some delays in progress on this development due to cost issues that have been resolved.  A number of further surveys are required to support the planning application which have now been approved for progress.  A meeting was arranged with the architects for later that week to agree timescales for the planning submission.  We are anticipating that the planning application will be submitted fairly soon.


Community Safety Team – Anti-Social Behaviour Officer

With the support of Housing Services, a housing officer has been seconded to the Community Safety team to perform the role of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Officer for a six-month period.  The purpose was to improve the Council’s response to ASB and release remaining housing officers to focus on rent arrears and tenancy management issues whilst improving the service to our residents and improving our case management in relation to ASB cases.


The secondment came into effect from 8th January 2018 and there has been fantastic achievements to date in the first month of the secondment.  The highlights are:


           18 cases dealt with since January 2018.

           A Notice Seeking Possession (NSP) has been served on an address following the execution of a Warrant by Essex Police.

           An NSP has been served and an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) signed by tenant regarding his behaviour.  No further complaints have been received in relation to the address.

           Two ABCs signed by residents in relation to a neighbour dispute.

           Injunction obtained with Power of Arrest and Power of Entry against an individual who has been causing serious nuisance to tenants where he was residing with a vulnerable tenant. In addition, the tenant has been safeguarded and a management move is being arranged to provide further safeguards.

           Safeguarding visit made to a vulnerable tenant in partnership with Essex County Fire & Rescue Service.  Action plan drafted, and referrals made to appropriate agencies.

           Strategy meeting attended to safeguard a young person and place them on Child Protection Register.