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Agenda item

Leisure Strategy


193.      Leisure Strategy


It was agreed by Members at the Council’s Policy, Projects and Resources Committee in June 2017 that the Leisure Strategy work would be split into three phases. Phase 1 would include King George’s Playing Fields and  Warley Playing Fields. Phase 2 would include the Council’s Play Areas and phase 3 would include the Brentwood Centre and the longer term strategic view of the Council’s Leisure facilities. It was also agreed that the Leisure Strategy Working Group would scrutinize the Leisure Strategy work and put forward any key findings and recommendations to the Corporate Projects Scrutiny Committee. At the 21 November 2017, Corporate Projects Scrutiny Committee, the following recommendations were agreed by the Committee, and are in front of this committee for their consideration (subject to the Council’s calling in period).


A motion was MOVED by Cllr Hossack and SECONDED by Cllr Poppy to approve the recommendations in the report, subject to an additional recommendation 2.2 to state:-


2.2   That the Community, Health and Housing Committee agrees to replace the phased approach to the Leisure Strategy with workstreams going forward to enable greater flexibility.


A vote was taken by a show of hands and it was RESOLVED that:


1.    That officers Members note the report and agree the recommendations from the Corporate Projects Scrutiny Committee on 21 November 2017 which are set out as follows:


a)    Officers facilitate a workshop with industry experts and members to drive the outcomes and principles of the Council’s Leisure Strategy.


b)   Following on from the workshop session, it is recommended that officers liaise with industry experts to develop the Leisure Strategy for Brentwood to enable the Council to deliver the outcomes, agree the short-term priorities and longer-term objectives.


c) That the officer and members explore the potential of commencing a procurement process in parallel with the development of the leisure strategy.


2.        That the Community, Health and Housing Committee agrees to replace the phased approach with workstreams going forward to enable greater flexibility.


Reasons for Recommendation

As part of the Council’s due diligence in delivering a successful Leisure Strategy, Members and officers need to have a complete picture of the current associated costs, risk profiles of the Borough’s Leisure facilities and identify opportunities for income generation.


Comments received from Sport England as part of the Local Development Plan consultation, stated that a Leisure Strategy is required that assesses Council owned sports and leisure facilities in order that the Council can continue to work with partners to ensure that appropriate provision is made for the residents of Brentwood. The strategy should not only consider how the Council can provide services, but also how other partners can. The strategy should also use current sports facility evidence to identify strategic priorities to then inform what will be included in the Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan.


Following this feasibility work, the Council will then be able to determine which projects will be funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and those funded by planning obligations.


The Council’s Asset Management Strategy 2014/15 also sets out the need to obtain maximise income where possible from its asset portfolio.


(Cllr Ms Rowlands declared a pecuniary interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct by virtue of her position as a Trustee for Brentwood Leisure Trust, therefore Cllr Rowlands did not take part in the debate or vote. Cllr Wiles declared a non-pecuniary interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct by virtue for his position on being Council Representative on Brentwood Rugby Club and Hartswood Golf Course, both situated at King George’s Playing Fields). 


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