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Agenda item

Urgent Business


The Chair, Cllr Mrs McKinlay, advised that further to the call for an Extraordinary Council meeting which was to take place on 13 December 2017, she had included this item of urgent business to provide relevant information to ensure the discussion at that meeting focused on concerns over sufficient resources being in place for the successful delivery of the Local Development Plan (LDP), the stated purpose of the Extraordinary Council meeting.


Members were aware that a letter had been received from the Secretary of State requesting information on the Council’s programme and timeline in relation to submission of the LDP and Cllr Mrs McKinlay had responded with relevant information.  She had undertaken to meet with representatives from government and had begun this process with the MP.  She expected to receive a response to her letter to the Secretary of State which would subsequently require additional information to be provided.


Cllr Mrs McKinlay advised that she had fully discussed the available resources with the Chief Executive and relevant Officers and had been repeatedly assured that the necessary resources in terms of officers, finances, legal input and software were in place to enable the LDP to be delivered in accordance with the proposed timeline.  Essex County Council would provide highways impact and planning information and funding and expertise would be received from central government in relation to proposals for Dunton Hills Garden Village regarding which there was positive engagement with neighbouring authorities. A document had been tabled at the meeting which set out an overview of resource currently in place and this would be circulated to all Members.


Cllr Mrs McKinlay reiterated that preparation for the 6-week consultation to gather further evidence which would begin in mid-January 2018 was being undertaken.  Methods of consultation were being considered and all Members would be involved in deciding how best to ensure all residents were given the opportunity to submit their opinion. Comments and concerns from the consultation would be digested and issues mitigated through provision of evidence before progressing to Regulation 19 – the final sharing of the Plan before submission to Government.


Cllr Mrs McKinlay advised a briefing document would be circulated to all Members which would include information provided at this meeting and she MOVED and Cllr Kerslake SECONDED and following a debate it was




that the document be taken forward to facilitate the discussion at the Extraordinary Council meeting.


Cllr Kendall requested that responses to the following questions be provided:                                                                                         


1.    What specific evidence was needed to deliver the LDP?

2.    Who was providing that evidence?

3.    What was the timescale for providing this evidence?

4.    Regarding the changes to the listed numbers of houses at individual sites, who decided to make the changes, who decided on the final figures and what evidence was used to make the changes?

5.    How can residents object to proposals if they have not seen the new evidence?

6.    If residents have already objected to proposals will their response be carried forward or will they need to send in a new comment?









The meeting ended at 9.00pm