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Agenda item

17/00682/FUL Land adjacent to 3 King Edward Road, Brentwood, Essex

Construction of two x 2 bedroomed semi-detached dwellings.


Concerns were expressed from Members over the design, not in keeping with the neighbouring dwellings.


After a full discussion, Cllr Mynott MOVED and Cllr Chilvers SECONDED to REFUSE the application. 


A vote was taken by a show of hands.


FOR:               Cllrs Chilvers, Mrs Coe, Newberry, Morrissey and Mynott  (5)


AGAINST:      Cllrs Bridge, Faragher, Mrs Middlehurst, Reed, Ms Sanders and Wiles  (6)


ABSTAIN:      (0)


The Motion was LOST.


Cllr Faragher MOVED and Cllr Wiles SECONDED to APPROVE the application. 


A vote was taken by a show of hands.


FOR:               Cllrs Bridge, Faragher, Mrs Middlehurst, Reed, Ms Sanders and Wiles  (6)


AGAINST:      Cllrs Chilvers, Mrs Coe, Newberry, Morrissey and Mynott  (5)


ABSTAIN:      (0)


The Motion was CARRIED.


RESOLVED that the application is APPROVED subject to the following conditions:



1.    TIM01 Standard Time - Full

The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.    DRA01A Development in accordance with drawings

The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the approved drawing(s) listed above and specifications.


Reason: To ensure that the development is as permitted by the local planning authority and for the avoidance of doubt.


3.    Removal of Permitted Development rights for extension/enlargement

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any order revoking, re-enacting or modifying that Order), the dwelling hereby permitted shall not be extended or enlarged in any way without the prior grant of specific planning permission by the local planning authority.


Reason: To avoid overdevelopment of the site.


4.    Removal of Permitted Development rights for outbuildings

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any order revoking, reenacting or modifying that Order) no development falling within Class E of that Order (buildings, enclosures, swimming or other pools) shall be carried out without the prior grant of specific planning permission by the local planning authority.


Reason: To avoid overdevelopment of this small site.


5.    Remediation of potential site contamination

No development shall commence until a remediation scheme to bring the site to a suitable condition for residential development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The agreed remediation scheme will be implemented prior to the commencement of any part of this planning permission (unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority). Formulation and implementation of the remediation scheme shall be undertaken by competent persons and in accordance with the Essex Contaminated Land Consortium’s Land Affected by Contamination: Technical Guidance for Applicants and Developers. Such agreed measures shall be implemented and completed prior to the commencement of any development of the site.


·         Should contamination be found that was not previously identified during any stage of the application hereby approved or not considered in the remediation scheme that contamination shall be made safe and reported immediately to the local planning authority. The site shall be re-assessed and a separate remediation scheme shall be submitted for approval by the Local Planning Authority. Such agreed measures shall be implemented and completed prior to the commencement of any development of the site.






·         The developer shall notify the Local Planning Authority in writing of impending completion of the remediation works within one month of the completion of the said works. Within four weeks of completion of such works a validation report undertaken by competent persons in accordance with the Essex Contaminated Land Consortium’s Land Affected by Contamination: Technical Guidance for Applicants and Developers related to the agreed remediation measures shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.  There shall be no residential occupation of the site until the Local Planning Authority has approved the validation report in writing. Furthermore, prior to

occupation of any property hereby permitted, the developer shall submit to the Local Planning Authority a signed certificate to confirm that the remediation works have been completed in accordance with the documents and plans detailed in the conditions above.


Reason: To protect the safety of future occupiers of the dwellings given the long history of commercial and vehicle related uses on the site.


6.    Construction Method Statement

No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a

Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The Statement shall provide for:


i. the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors

ii. loading and unloading of plant and materials

iii. storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development

iv. the erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate

v. wheel washing facilities

vi. measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction

vii.a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works

viii. hours of working and hours during which deliveries may be taken at the site.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety, visual and neighbour amenity.


7.    Prior to occupation, the footway located to the west of the proposed access shall be reinstated to full height and connect with existing footway along King Edward Road.


Reason: To ensure the removal of and to preclude the creation of unnecessary points of traffic conflict in the highway in the interests of highway safety.





8.    Prior to occupation of the development a 1.5 metre x 1.5 metre pedestrian visibility splay, as measured from and along the highway boundary, shall be provided on both sides of the vehicular access. Such visibility splays shall be retained free of any obstruction thereafter. These visibility splays must not form part of the vehicular surface of the access.


Reason: To provide adequate inter-visibility between the users of the access and pedestrians in the adjoining public highway in the interest of highway safety.


9.    Prior to occupation of the proposed development, the Developer shall be responsible for the provision and implementation of a Residential Travel Information Pack for sustainable transport (as approved by Essex County Council).


Reason: In the interests of reducing the need to travel by car and promoting sustainable development and transport.


Supporting documents: