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Agenda item

Notices of Motion


Seven Notices of Motion had been submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedure rules.


1. Cllr Chilvers had submitted the following motion:


Peace Mile for Brentwood


 ‘In May 1986, the late Spiritualist Teacher, Sri Chinmoy, inaugurated the ‘Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile‘ at Cutteslowe Park, Oxford. Sri Chinmoy devoted his life (1931-2007) to the pursuit of a dream: a world where harmony and oneness reign supreme.

The Peace Mile is designed to offer runners and walkers a focused mile-long loop dedicated to peace.

After the inauguration of the Peace Mile, a two mile race was organised for local school children and since then this has been the focus of many community running and walking events.

In the interests of promoting peace in our community, Brentwood Borough Council will seek to establish a “Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile” trial during the financial year 2016/7 with a view to making a permanent peace mile in one of our key green spaces’.


Cllr Newberry SECONDED the Motion and following a discussion Cllr Chilvers proposed an alteration to the Motion, ie to delete ‘Sri Chinmoy’ from the final paragraph.  The Monitoring Officer advised that an alteration needed the consent of the Council which was indicated by a vote taken on a show of hands.


Cllr Mrs McKinlay proposed an AMENDMENT to the motion which Cllr Chilvers and Cllr Newberry  ACCEPTED and following a discussion it was RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that the substantive motion be CARRIED, the final paragraph now reading:  ‘In the interests of promoting peace in our community, Brentwood Borough Council Members will seek to establish a “Peace Mile” trial during the financial year 2016/17 with a view to making a permanent peace mile in one of our key green spaces’.


Cllr Chilvers requested that the ‘Peace Mile’ concept be considered by the Community and Health Committee to which the Chair, Cllr Russell, agreed.


2.            Cllr Barrett submitted the following motion:

Living Wage Motion

This Council notes: 


1. That the Living Wage is a level of pay based on the principle that full-time work should guarantee a decent standard of living.

2. That even in difficult financial circumstances, more and more local authorities are now paying or have committed to pay the Living Wage.

3.   That the Mayor of London and the London Assembly have taken positive action to ensure all employees receive the Living Wage, whilst encouraging local businesses to do the same.

4.  That the Living Wage is set annually and independently.

5.  That the current levels are £9.40 an hour in London and £8.25 outside of London.


Therefore this Council:

1.  Supports in principle the introduction of a Living Wage to all directly engaged, contracted and sub-contracted staff.

2.  Will undertake investigations into the cost of fully implementing the Living Wage including the number of staff currently paid below the Living Wage, by how much and in what roles they work.

3.  Will adopt a policy of supporting the Living Wage in procurement on a case by case basis.

4.  A report will be given to the next meeting of the Policy, Finance & Resources committee outlining the economic impact and allowing for a decision for the 2016/17 Budget.

5.  That on confirmation of the decision to pay the Living Wage Brentwood Borough Council will seek accreditation as a Living Wage employer through the Living Wage Foundation.


Cllr Morrissey SECONDED the motion and following a discussion a vote was taken on a show of hands and the MOTION was LOST.

Cllr Aspinell had submitted five motions on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group and advised that he wished to withdraw the first of these.

Cllr Mynott MOVED and Cllr Kendall SECONDED the second Motion:

We call upon Brentwood Borough Council to use its Scrutiny Committee powers to scrutinise the Police and Crime Commissioner’s decision to close Brentwood Police Station to the public and to reduce the number of PCSO's covering the area.


Cllr Barrett had submitted an AMENDMENT to the Motion which was SECONDED by Cllr Morrissey, as follows:


This Council notes:


1. That the Police and Justice Act 2006 and the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 put specific obligations on Brentwood Borough Council in relation to policing and crime.


2. Specifically the council is required to have to have regard to crime and disorder implications when exercising its functions and have a committee (the “crime and disorder committee”) with power to review or scrutinise decisions made, or other action taken, in connection with the discharge by the responsible authorities of their crime and disorder functions and to make reports or recommendations to the local authority with respect to the discharge of those functions.


3. That these functions cannot be assigned to another level of democratic accountability.

4. That the Council sends a representative to the Police & Crime Panel which holds the Police & Crime Commissioner to account.


5. That substantial cuts have been announced to Police services in Brentwood, including the closure of Brentwood Police Station's front desk and a considerable reduction from 26 to 7 in numbers of Police Community Support Officers serving Brentwood and Epping residents.


This Council believes:

1. That Brentwood residents will be directly impacted by these cuts to an unacceptable level.


2. That other savings should be investigated including in the Office of the Police Commissioner.


3. That these cuts are inappropriate and must be rethought at the earliest opportunity.


4. That the Borough Council has a legal duty for the safety of it's residents in relation to policing and crime. It will be unafraid to challenge circumstances that lead to this being put at risk.


Therefore this Council:

1. Will seek to investigate the impact of the cuts in Brentwood residents through the Audit, Scrutiny and Transformation Committee.


2. Will empower and encourage its representatives to the Police & Crime Panel to make the case against these cuts.


3. Will use all appropriate opportunities to challenge these cuts and seek to guarantee the long term future of Brentwood Police Station.


The AMENDMENT was ACCEPTED by Cllrs Mynott and Kendall and following a full discussion a recorded vote was requested in accordance with Rule 9.5 of the Council’s procedure rules.  Cllrs Carter and Mrs Squirrell had left the meeting before the vote was taken.


FOR:  Cllrs Aspinell, Barrett, Chilvers, Mrs Davies, Mrs Hubbard, Keeble, Kendall, Morrissey, Mynott, Newberry (10)

AGAINST:  Cllrs Mrs Coe, Faragher, Mrs Henwood, Hirst, Mrs Hones, Kerslake, McCheyne, Mrs McKinlay, Mrs Murphy, Parker, Poppy, Mrs Pound, Reed, Ms Rowlands, Russell, Ms Sanders, Slade, Sleep, Tee, Trump and Wiles (21)

ABSTAIN:  Cllrs Barrell and Cloke (2)


The Motion was LOST.


In accordance with Rule 10 of the Council’s procedure rules, Termination of Meetings, since the business of the meeting had not been concluded by three hours and fifteen minutes after its start, the Mayor interrupted the meeting and advised Members that the remaining three submitted motions would be voted upon without debate.  A recorded vote on each Motion was requested in accordance with Rule 9.5 of the Council’s procedure rules.



Cllr Aspinell’s third submitted motion:


We, Brentwood Borough Council resolve to refer to the Local Government Ombudsman the Police and Crime Commissioner's decision to close Brentwood Police Station to the public and the Police Authority's possible maladministration of its budget as the residents and businesses of Brentwood contribute £4.5 million per year for the purposes of police protection and enforcement.


FOR:  Cllrs Aspinell, Chilvers, Mrs Davies, Mrs Hubbard, Kendall, Mynott, Newberry (7)

AGAINST:  Cllrs Barrell, Cloke,  Mrs Coe, Faragher, Mrs Henwood, Hirst, Mrs Hones, Kerslake, McCheyne, Mrs McKinlay, Mrs Murphy, Parker, Poppy, Mrs Pound, Reed, Ms Rowlands, Russell, Ms Sanders, Slade, Sleep, Tee, Trump and Wiles (23)

ABSTAIN:  Cllrs Barrett, Keeble and Morrissey (3)


The Motion was LOST.


Cllr  Aspinell’s fourth submitted motion:


Brentwood Borough Council calls upon the Deputy Leader of the Council and the County Councillor for Hutton, Herongate and Ingrave to declare his opposition to the Police and Crime Commissioner's decision to close Brentwood Police Station to the public and reduce the PCSO coverage for this area.


FOR:  Cllrs Aspinell, Chilvers, Mrs Davies, Mrs Hubbard, Kendall, Mynott, Newberry (7)

AGAINST:  Cllrs Barrell, Cloke,  Mrs Coe, Faragher, Mrs Henwood, Hirst, Mrs Hones, Kerslake, McCheyne, Mrs McKinlay, Mrs Murphy, Parker, Poppy, Mrs Pound, Reed, Ms Rowlands, Russell, Ms Sanders, Slade, Sleep, Tee, Trump and Wiles (23)

ABSTAIN:  Cllrs Barrett, Keeble and Morrissey (3)


The Motion was LOST.


   Cllr Aspinell’s fifth submitted motion:


With Essex Police facing £63 million of cuts over the next five years, Brentwood Borough Council believes there should be an independent and/or judicial review into the Essex Police Authority’s maladministration of its budget during the last ten years it was in office and the financial management of Essex Police resources by the Police Commissioner during his time in office.


 FOR:  Cllrs Aspinell, Chilvers, Mrs Davies, Mrs Hubbard, Kendall, Mynott, Newberry (7)

AGAINST:  Cllrs Barrell, Cloke,  Mrs Coe, Faragher, Mrs Henwood, Hirst, Mrs Hones, Kerslake, McCheyne, Mrs McKinlay, Mrs Murphy, Parker, Poppy, Mrs Pound, Reed, Ms Rowlands, Russell, Ms Sanders, Slade, Sleep, Tee, Trump and Wiles (23)

ABSTAIN:  Cllrs Barrett, Keeble and Morrissey (3)


The Motion was LOST.


Supporting documents: