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Agenda item

Public Questions


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, a member of the public resident within the Borough may ask a maximum of two questions relating to the business of the Council providing notice has been received by 10.00am two working days before the relevant meeting.


Mrs Jan Gearon-Simm has submitted two questions:


1.    There is horrifying evidence that damage is being done to the sea, to wildlife and to us by discarded plastic, which is made from fossil fuels.

Billions of plastic bottles, for example, are thrown into landfill.


The Drinking Fountain Association is trying to track down now-derelict drinking fountains, which were provided by councils from the 1860s onward in public places.


Will Brentwood Council follow this example and alert Brentwood residents against plastic bottles by re-opening any derelict fountains and by providing other clean water public outlets?


Cllr Aspinell responded as follows:


“it's the aim of this Council to rectify the faults of previous, I don't mean the immediate, I mean previous councils and the practices that have been carried out within those boundaries.  This is one of the reasons we have set up a Clean and Green Committee to look at all aspects of Brentwood's activities to see if we cannot improve on a terrible situation that we currently are experiencing in this country.  We will do our best and our little bit to the betterment of our country as a whole. 


On the drinking fountains issue itself I think there may be some health

and hygiene issues surrounding that but I totally agree with you there should be some public access to clean drinking water and that is one of the things that we will be considering and investigating you have my word.”




2.    At the ordinary Council meeting on 5th July 2011, the then Conservative Leader, Cllr Louise McKinlay was against the recommendation for retaining the Town Hal building but thankfully, the town hall building was saved because of agreement between council members from difference parties, 11 of whom were Conservatives.

The town hall building symbolises the importance of Brentwood residents being served by democratically elected councillors from a variety of political persuasions.

I would like the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition to both respond to my Residents Question, which is:

Will all Brentwood Councillors be willing to work in collaboration in order to achieve solutions to Brentwood problems? The watchwords are collaboration, cooperation and compromise. 


Cllr Aspinell responded as follows:


“I remember a decision very well I was indeed in this Chamber and I pay tribute to a very brave Councillor at that time.  A member of the Conservative group who could not believe his own party was going to not only get rid of this Town Hall as an administrative hub but I think demolish it at that time.  I think the person who put forward the proposal to demolish it was the last Council Leader here, it may not have been tabled and it probably isn't recorded anywhere that that happened, but I was personally present when that suggestion was made.  We were going to have a new building in that car park when this building could be levelled and made it into homes - that was what the suggestion was.  But a brave Conservative member that I would like to pay tribute to is an ex Mayor and Councillor, David Tee.    We got together then

for a very important reason we've got together since then for very important reasons I hope in the future.  The Clean and Green Committee needs everyone on board to forward the desires and the principles of and the objections of that of that committee not just that we find ourselves, and I'm not casting aspersions here, but a government that has led us into financial near ruin that we have to work to try and get out off.  Many years ago this side of the Council put forward proposals to set up a local assembly of acquiring land,  businesses, car parks and buildings to turn into money making revenue much needed for this Council.  They were called a LATCO – Local Authority Trading Company.  This was turned down by the then Conservative Administration - I do not know why it was turned down apart from the fact that we had proposed it.  It then we proposed it again the next year this went on for about five or six years nothing happened then eventually when the money started to run out completely we had SAIL set up.”


The Mayor reminded Councillor Aspinell to answer the resident question specifically Will all Brentwood Councillors be willing to work in collaboration in order to achieve solutions to Brentwood problems? The watchwords are collaboration, cooperation and compromise. 


Councillor Aspinell continued:

“We will go forward, we will look for suggesting things this side hopefully

they will be agreed that side.  The last time I stood as leader I was collaborating in a group of four different parties now I have pleasure of

leading a group of two.  I hope that when we put proposals forward the opposition will back them for the betterment of this Council for the betterment of its residents and for the betterment of our Town”


The Mayor clarified from Mrs Gearon-Simm’s question, the statements being made that suggest there were no minuted proposal for the demolition of the Town Hall and although it was minuted that the Town Hall would be disposed of so for just to clarify that was the minutes and that was the motion that was put forward just for clarity in the debate and the discussion. 


Cllr Russell responded as follows:


“Thank you for clarifying that Mr Mayor and yes we did oppose their recommendation for their view of the Town Hall.  We was going to build another Town Hall and the car park there and what we were going to do with this is exactly what we've got now this is actually a hybrid of the two motions that were tabled on the night - there was no talk of demolition or anything as such – I appreciate the Leader here trying to rewrite history but the evidence

is there in the minutes – I didn't want to bring that up but there go.


If just cast your members back to Annual Council I welcomed new members and although in my notes I did not welcome Councillor Fiona Marsh so just to go on record now that we welcome Fiona thank you.


It is important for Brentwood Councillors to work collaborate collaboratively

to achieve solutions for Brentwood residents collaboration cooperation between council members can lead to more effective and efficient decision-making processes that benefit the community.  It is essential for Councillors to put aside differences and work towards the common goal of improving the lives of the residents.  By working together the council can develop innovative solutions that address the needs of the community and ensure that all residents feel heard and valued. democracy gives us many voices and

different opinions how best to serve our residents and there lies the rub as I said at Annual Council where our policies align there will be little resistance however when cuts to services or council tax hikes come into play we will then hold the coalition to task.  To facilitate a good working relationship with the coalition or have appointed Shadow chairs and Shadow Vice chairs they will work directly with lead officers to ensure a democratic process and smooth out any issues and foreseeable problems before coming to meetings.  This I hope will streamline meetings saving taxpayers money and benefiting our residents - in practice we have not had this access in some cases but it is

early days I'm sure in time these issues will be resolved.  Another example of a collaboration on our part was following a recent incident in the in the High Street on Friday where we raised our concerns and are seeking a resolution to the problems with Planning and Licensing whilst keeping the Coalition informed and updated via their Chairs rather than politicizing taking advantage of the situation and using it to ambush the administration.   I have another example for you I have put forward ideas to members of the coalition that I hope will make front with High Street a safer place to be.  I welcome the fact that one of these ideas will be coming to the clean and green committee next week as I said to our Mayor the idea was my gift to the coalition as it benefits residents. 


I hope this is enough to assure you Jan and I'm sure I'm confident that you will

soon pull me up if I disappoint you in any way.  Thank you for your questions.” 

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