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Agenda item

Committee Chairs Reports and Members Questions


Any Member may ask a Chair a written or oral question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Council’s area and which falls within the area of responsibility of the Chair’s committee.


The period allowed for written and oral questions and answers will not exceed 60 minutes without leave of the Mayor.


Six written questions were received.


Cllr Naylor submitted two questions, his first question was as follows:


To the Chair of the Community, Environment & Enforcement Committee


At the Full Council meeting held on Wednesday 1st March, the Liberal Democrat Group raised concerns over the continued failure to repair/replace various items of equipment within our ‘Flagship’ play area at King George’s Park. Notification of various defects has been presented through the appropriate channels on at least three separate occasions, dating back as far as October, 2022, but a satisfactory response has not yet been forthcoming.


Given our summer months are now approaching, bringing with them a much higher public usage of our outdoor facilities, can the Chair of the Community, Environment and Enforcement Committee provide a definitive date when the Zip Wire and Suspended Roundabout equipment will be fully operational.


Response from Cllr Russell, Chair of Community, Environment & Enforcement Committee


One zip wire is fully operational, the other zip wire was inspected at the end of January and was removed, new parts were promptly ordered. Some of the parts have been received and they are awaiting the delivery of the zip wire cable, it is expected to arrive within the next couple of weeks. The manufacturer has provided an installation date of the end of April. In respect of the roundabout swing, one swing was removed at the request of a neighbouring property, claiming that it resulted in a lack of privacy. An alternative swing seat is being sourced with installation at the end of April.


Cllr Kendall submitted one questions. His question is as follows:


To the Chair of Community, Environment and Enforcement Committee


King George’s Play area is promoted as a ‘fully inclusive’ environment for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike and it is noted that apparatus specifically for those with disabilities features as part of the park’s overall offering. However, it appears that some very fundamental operational considerations have been overlooked.


Use of the toilet facilities adjacent to the play areas is restricted to the seasonal opening times operated by the splash park with the only alternative being located at the pavilion site. This is especially problematic for mothers/carers of young or disabled children who require prompt access to toilet, baby changing and disabled facilities.


Can the Chair of the Community, Environment and Enforcement Committee please explain why access to the toilets adjacent to the play areas is restricted and what plans are in hand to increase accessibility to an all year-round basis.


Response from Cllr Russell, Chair of Community, Environment & Enforcement Committee


With regards to King George’s playing field toilets, the disabled toilet in the main pavilion was closed due to repairs that were scheduled to take place on the flushing mechanism. These repairs have now been completed and this toilet is back open for use. With regards to the toilets opposite the play area, it has recently come to officers attention that during the construction phase of the splash pad, Essex and Suffolk Water imposed strict conditions around the installation of the new water mains on site. These conditions included that the splash pad plant room, toilets and kiosk must be fed from the same supply and could not be isolated from each other. This has resulted in the water supply to the toilets being cut off and the splash pad is drained down for the winter period. Officers are mindful that this is not an acceptable solution to this issue and are engaging with Essex & Suffolk water to determine a remedy that will allow the toilets to remain open all year round. The water to the toilets and the splash pad has now been reinstated for the 2023 season and these will shortly be open to the public whilst the discussions with Essex & Suffolk water continue.


Cllr Laplain submitted one question as follows:


To the Chair of Community, Environment and Enforcement Committee


Following an inspection of the play facilities at Warley, it was noted that two items of equipment are out of use / unusable. Can you please provide a date when we can expect these to be repaired. The first item is in the toddler section and the second is in the gym.


However, of more immediate concern, three of the child safety gates are no longer operating effectively. The springs designed to ensure they re-close after entry/exit have malfunctioned, leaving the gates wide open. These circumstances could easily result in a young child leaving the park parameters and wandering into the road. If not yet repaired, please confirm the date this vital maintenance work will be undertaken.


Response from Cllr Russell, Chair of Community, Environment & Enforcement Committee


The two items of equipment that you refer to were unfortunately vandalised, in the case of the gym item, an attempt to repair has been made but on further inspection, it has now been scheduled for removal in March. A replacement is on order, however the manufacturer has provided only a broad indicative lead time of approximately six months. It should be noted that these items of equipment are made to order, rather than supplied off the shelf. With regards to the item vandalised in the toddler area, parts have already arrived and will be repaired by the end of March. The gate tensioning has now been slightly readjusted to shut fully. It should be noted that recent annual inspection undertaken by the rules of society prevention of accidents accredited independent inspector stated that the gates shut too quickly and that tension should be reduced. This was done but then required a further fine tuning.


Cllr Naylor’s second question was as follows:


To the Chair of Community, Environment and Enforcement Committee


River Road children’s play area has had a swing broken for some considerable time, eventually being removed. Page 24 Can I have a response detailing why it has been left in an unusable condition for such a lengthy period of time, and the date it will be restored for the use of local families.


Response from Cllr Russell, Chair of Community, Environment & Enforcement Committee


Of the five swings available, four throughout that time have been fully functional. Therefore, the children’s swings are still available. Originally, it was believed that the repair could be made to the equipment that would not involve the need to dismantle and reassemble the whole swing apparatuses and will have saved time and money. This is not proved to be the case and further parts have now been ordered to repair this item. An installation date has now been provided by the manufacturer and officers continue to chase this confirmation of when the installation will take place.


Cllr Davies submitted one question as follows:


To the Chair of Community, Environment and Enforcement


Bishops Hall Park play area currently has at least three items of equipment unavailable for use. In the main area, a large ‘Do not use’ sign is placed against equipment that has been out of use for a lengthy period. Additionally, on other equipment there are two supporting posts remaining, but the accompanying middle section completely missing and in the toddler’s section the tyre basin swing has disappeared.


This is a well-used play park, serving numerous residents from within Pilgrims Hatch and the wider area.


Can you confirm dates when the appropriate repairs / replacement will take place in order that the facilities can be brought back to an acceptable standard.


Response from Cllr Russell, Chair of Community, Environment & Enforcement Committee


Two of the items not in service were closed four weeks ago and parts of the mobilisers placed on order at the time. However, we are yet to have confirmation of a delivery date from the supplier. So, it will be wrong to provide a date this evening. The other piece of equipment is currently being assessed as to whether it is beyond repair. If so, it will be removed and replaced, and a replacement item purchased. Once it is clear whether repair or replacement is required, then a date will be provided. The swing item currently out of use was originally sourced from a supplier in the USA. Through enquiries, it had been established that it is not currently manufactured and given its age, it is unlikely we will be able to find a replacement. Therefore, it is scheduled for removal.


Cllr Fryd submitted one question as follows:


To the Chair of Community, Environment and Enforcement


Courage’s play area is a welcome facility for local children, and especially those attending Shenfield St. Mary’s school, which is adjacent. Whilst the toddler’s area appears to be in satisfactory order at this moment, the section for older children has, for some time, looked extremely neglected.


On a recent inspection both the basket swing and cable runway are unusable, and a further piece of equipment has been removed from the site completely. The climbing equipment looks in a very poor state of repair, not helped that a component part, the slide, has disappeared entirely.


Please can you provide a timescale for this much used facility to be returned to full usage.


The order for a new seat for the runway was also placed at the start of January, this has already arrived – installation is planned by the end of March. The other cable runway is fully functional.


Response from Cllr Russell, Chair of Community, Environment & Enforcement Committee


The slide item design does not comply with British standards, and at the annual inspection, was deemed as is no longer fit for use. Therefore, it was removed to address the safety concerns. An equivalent item can not be procured as the design would not be acceptable by todays play standards. The basket swing parts were ordered at the start of January with the delivery and installation expected in April. The order for a new seat for the runway was also placed at the start of January and has already arrived. Installation is planned by the end of this month. The other cable runway is fully functional. Madam Mayor, with 489 pieces of play equipment in the borough, with less than 2% under maintenance this only demonstrates how effective our maintenance schedule is and how seriously we take the health and safety of not only our residents but the thousands of visitors that come to our superb facilities from outside the borough.


Cllrs Naylor and Cllr Aspinell at this stage raised that Mrs Smith’s second question was missed from members agenda and would like this noted in the minutes. 


Cllr Mynott put a question to the Chair of Planning Committee


Brentwood’s approved local plan takes the borough’s housing and economic needs as well as the needs of protecting our green belt post, present and future fully into account. Officer’s reports since the local’s plan adoption take the local plan fully into account. Why therefore does the Conservative administration which chose to adopt the local plan now see fit to ignore the local plan as an assessment of the boroughs housing and economic needs and so damagingly undermine both the local plan and Brentwood’s vulnerable green belt.


Due to the Chair (Cllr Tanner) of Planning Committees absence, vice-chair, Cllr Barber responded:


Cllr Mynott is trying to reopen the debate over the recent planning application at the Gateway to Brentwood. The law in this country allows the planning committee to determine an outcome on any application. That application will also be presented to the secondary of state to be reviewed and therefore there are checks and balances. I understand that Cllr Mynott doesn’t like the outcome of the jobs and employment to this borough and I understand he takes a contrary view to the majority of members on the planning committee but frankly, you didn’t win the argument on the night Cllr Mynott and reopening it here isn’t really going to change anything.


Cllr Kendall put a question to the Chair of Policy, Resources and Economic Development Committee:


During the recent PRED meeting, there was an item regarding SNAP which is a marvellous charity in the borough and we were told that SNAP had lost a considerable amount of funding from Essex County Council. It is a substantial figure. I appreciate that this loss of funding isn’t from this authority, it is from Essex but I wondered if with the Chair’s agreement, if all members could be given some information as to why that funding has no longer been forthcoming and more importantly, what impact is that loss of funding going to have on the services that it provides because it will have an impact.


Cllr Hossack, Chair of Policy, Resources and Economic Development Committee responded:


I think the answer is within the question, it isn’t our authority so I would advise Cllr Kendall that there are two bodies relating to your question. One is Essex County Council, the other one is SNAP itself so my advice is to write to the cabinet member for children and families to get a response to them for your question because clearly I am not in a position to respond to that. If you want to know what the impact is on SNAP, in terms of loss funding, then I would encourage you to speak to SNAP because it is not for me to comment on what that might be. I wouldn’t have a detailed enough response. That is the only response I can give in light of the fact, as Cllr Kendall pointed out, it has not been in the brief or remit of this organisation.


Cllr Kendall put a question to the Chair of Housing:


Was the Chair aware that the plans to develop a number of the garage sites in the borough was actually something that had started under the accord administration all those years ago. I say this because I know it something cross-party that we are all in favour of but I didn’t want you thinking it was just a Conservative idea and it was something that came from the accord and I am sure in your interest of fairness Chair, you would want to make sure that we were all acquainted fully with that fact.


Cllr White, Chair of Housing Committee responded:


I would like to thank Cllr Kendall, first of all the opportunity to get to my feet. Before I answer his question, I would like to highlight what was in my Chair’s response, which is that Brentwood is the national winners of the competition which we took part in which was the iESE public transformation awards and I would like to congratulate the housing team and the SHDP programme for their efforts and congratulate them on actually putting us and our authority as leaders in the country for developing zero carbon in use homes and all the benefits that those are going to bring. Cllr Kendall, in terms of your helpful history lesson, I don’t remember the detail but I do remember some of the work that took place at the time, thank you.


Cllr Laplain put a question to the Chair of Planning.


I have had many residents ask me questions regarding the participation of people on the planning committee and whether or not they participate in meetings extra to those held within the committee, i.e. with planners or agents or both outside of the committee meetings. Do they hold these meetings and if so, are they minuted and are they in the presence of officers.


Due to Cllr Tanner’s absence as Chair of Planning, vice-chair Cllr Barber responded:


As far as I own, in terms of myself, I don’t hold meetings with the applicants. I only meet with officers in advance and in meetings that you attend and on site visits that you attend. So no, I am not aware of any of those such meetings.


Cllr Naylor made a point of information to Cllr Russell response to his question. There is a typo, it should be June 2022, not October 2022.


Cllr Naylor put a question regarding the Chair’s report.


Unfortunately, the transport minister has made some cuts to Lower Thames Crossing and of particular disappointment to me, to Active England and HS2. Ultimately, this will  probably end up delaying these projects and pushing costs up but on the Lower Thames Crossing, we have the new woodland in Hull Farm and I was wondering whether these cuts or costs saving would have any affect on Hull Farm and also on Active England, the budget has been cut quite severely, whether any potential cycling routes that Essex or Brentwood have in mind will see fruition given the cuts to Active England.


Cllr Hossack, Chair of Policy, Resources and Economic Development responded:


It is a minimal response as this question is outside of the remit of this organisation. The only official line that I have seen from Lower Thames Crossing is that the government have chosen to rephase, I am not aware that there were cuts. It is rephasing which effectively means it is delayed by two years. I am not aware of Hull Farm or any local projects relating to LTC.


Cllr Aspinell put a question to the Chair of Community, Enforcement and Environment Committee:


Regarding Courage’s Playing fields, it was padlocked off for some time. I believe it still is, diggers were in there taking up the base of play equipment. Can I ask when this went to committee and what did we discuss about it because it must have been before I joined the committee last month because it hasn’t been since I have been on committee.


Cllr Russell, Chair of Community, Enforcement and Environment responded:


It wouldn’t have gone to committee as it is an operational matter, it was closed off for a period because there were two items damaged. As I mentioned earlier, one was not to safety standards and the whole area, there was lots of trip hazards with concrete in the ground. The whole area was chained off and not to be used.

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