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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Woodacre, The Glade, Hutton, Essex CM13 2JL Application No: 16/00134/FUL Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of three new dwellings'

  • Councillor Andrew Wiles - Non Pecuniary - The Chair declared a non-pecuniary interest on behalf of the members of the Conservative Group that the members of the committee, as stated in the minute 346 of Planning and Development Committee held on 4th February 2014, that the landowner makes donation to the Conservative Party and isn’t personally known to any individual member of this committee).
  • Councillor Mrs Aimi Middlehurst - Non Pecuniary - The Chair declared a non-pecuniary interest on behalf of the members of the Conservative Group that the members of the committee, as stated in the minute 346 of Planning and Development Committee held on 4th February 2014, that the landowner makes donation to the Conservative Party and isn’t personally known to any individual member of this committee).
  • Councillor Ms Louise Rowlands - Non Pecuniary - The Chair declared a non-pecuniary interest on behalf of the members of the Conservative Group that the members of the committee, as stated in the minute 346 of Planning and Development Committee held on 4th February 2014, that the landowner makes donation to the Conservative Party and isn’t personally known to any individual member of this committee).
  • Councillor Paul Barrell - Non Pecuniary - The Chair declared a non-pecuniary interest on behalf of the members of the Conservative Group that the members of the committee, as stated in the minute 346 of Planning and Development Committee held on 4th February 2014, that the landowner makes donation to the Conservative Party and isn’t personally known to any individual member of this committee).
  • Councillor Paul Faragher - Non Pecuniary - The Chair declared a non-pecuniary interest on behalf of the members of the Conservative Group that the members of the committee, as stated in the minute 346 of Planning and Development Committee held on 4th February 2014, that the landowner makes donation to the Conservative Party and isn’t personally known to any individual member of this committee).
  • Councillor Roger McCheyne - Non Pecuniary - The Chair declared a non-pecuniary interest on behalf of the members of the Conservative Group that the members of the committee, as stated in the minute 346 of Planning and Development Committee held on 4th February 2014, that the landowner makes donation to the Conservative Party and isn’t personally known to any individual member of this committee).
  • Councillor Thomas Bridge - Non Pecuniary - The Chair declared a non-pecuniary interest on behalf of the members of the Conservative Group that the members of the committee, as stated in the minute 346 of Planning and Development Committee held on 4th February 2014, that the landowner makes donation to the Conservative Party and isn’t personally known to any individual member of this committee).