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Agenda item

Budget 2020-2021


The report before Members set out all the relevant information needed by the Council to set the budget for the Borough.


The budget was considered by the Policy, Resources & Economic Development Committee on 12th February 2020 and had been recommended to Ordinary Council for consideration and approval.


The fundamental principles of the Council’s MTFS were to:


(i)           Maintain a sustainable financial position against a background of unprecedented financial uncertainty and reduced government funding, including the delivery of efficiency targets.


(ii)          Support the vision of our Borough through appropriate identification of resources required to deliver the key priorities outlined in the Corporate Strategy.


(iii)         Maximise opportunities and mitigate risks associated with the fundamental change to the way in which local government is financed.


This report considered:


(i)                     The General Fund budget proposals for 2020/21 to 2022/23.


(ii)                    The Council Tax Requirement for 2020/21


(iii)         The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget proposals for 2020/21 onwards.


(iv)         The Capital and Investment Strategy for 2020/21 including the Council’s capital Programme 2020/21 to 2022/23


(v)                   Fees & Charges


(vi)                  Pay Policy Statement


(vii)                 Section 151 Officers Assurance Statement.


(viii)                Council Tax Resolution 2020-21


The figures presented summarised the detailed service budgets, together with known adjustments including the impact of the central government grant funding.


The key elements of the proposed budget were:


General Fund


1)        A balanced budget to be set for 2020/21

2)        An increase of Council Tax for 2020/21 in order to deliver a balanced budget and deliver on the required investment outlined within the budget.

3)        The continuation of reduction in funding made available by Central Government


Housing Revenue Account


1)        For 2020/21 a budget that delivered a small surplus of £87k.

2)        Increase in rents of CPI plus 1% per annum

3)        Continued investment in the delivery of Decent Homes and Development of Housing within the Borough.




1)        Total additional capital investment of £10.564m  in 2020/21

2)        With an additional investment of £14.724m from 2021 to 2023.


Cllr Hossack MOVED and Cllr Mrs Hones SECONDED the recommendations in the report.


Cllr Gareth Barrett had submitted and MOVED and Cllr Tim Barrett SECONDED the following AMENDMENT:


Given the restoration of Town Hall services, and potential commercial/residential lettings, invite local businesses to bring in a coffee van style operation or similar for a set period of the day.




Cllr Gareth Barrett had submitted and MOVED and Cllr Tim Barrett SECONDED a second AMENDMENT:


 Recommend the Independent renumeration panel review that the job role of the Leader and Deputy Leader both Chair a committee and that special responsibility allowance is reviewed accordingly.


Cllr Hossack did NOT ACCEPT this AMENDMENT and it was debated.


Members voted on a show of hands and the AMENDMENT was LOST.


Cllr Gareth Barrett had submitted and MOVED and Cllr Tim Barrett SECONDED a third  AMENDMENT:


For the financial year 2021/22 onwards Brentwood Borough Council removes its Second Home Discount (10%) from Council Tax and reviews the Empty Home Council Tax Discount (100%), after following all appropriate consultation procedures.


Cllr Hossack did NOT ACCEPT this AMENDMENT and it was debated.


Members voted on a show of hands and the AMENDMENT was LOST.

(Cllrs Mrs McKinlay, Jon Cloke, Hirst, McCheyne and Poppy each declared a non-pecuniary interest by virtue of owning second properties).



Returning to the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION, following a full discussion a recorded vote was taken in accordance with Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England)(Amendment) Regulations 2014).


Members voted as follows:


FOR: Cllrs Bridge, Jon Cloke, Hirst, Mrs Hones, Hossack, Jakobsson,

McCheyne, Mrs McKinlay, McLaren, Nolan, Parker, Mrs Pearson, Poppy,

Mrs Pound, Reed, Ms Sanders, Tanner, Mrs Tierney and Tumbridge (19)


AGAINST: Cllrs Aspinell, Gareth Barrett, Tim Barrett,  Sarah Cloke,

Mrs Davies, Fryd, Ms Fulcher, Haigh, Keeble, Kendall, Laplain, Mynott and Naylor (13)




The Motion was CARRIED and it was RESOLVED to:


1. Approve the General Fund Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy as set out in Appendix A to the report.


2. Approve that Council Tax is increased for 2020/21 by £5 per Band D property, increasing the charge for a Band D property from £188.63 to £193.63 per annum. The complete Council Tax Bandings (Brentwood Council Only) are included in Appendix A (Table 10), Page 23 of the report.


3. Approve the HRA budget 2020/21 including the 30-year HRA Business Plan within Appendix B (Table 6 and Table 11) to the report.

4. Approve an increase to rents for 2020/21 by CPI plus 1%


5. Approve the Capital and Investment Strategy in Appendix C including the Capital Programme (Table 4 & 5) pages 17 and18 of the report.


6. Approve the Fees & Charges Schedule in Appendix D to the report.


7. To approve the Pay Policy Statement in Appendix E to the report.


8. To note and approve the Section 151 Officer’s Assurance Statement in Appendix F to the report.


9. Approve the formal resolutions to set the Council Tax level for 2020/21 be made as set out in Appendix H (page 4 to 8 of the report)

10. Given the restoration of Town Hall services, and potential commercial/residential lettings, invite local businesses to bring in a coffee van style operation or similar for a set period of the day.



Reasons for Recommendations


1.     Effective financial management underpins all of the priorities for the Council and will enable the Council to operate within a sustainable budget environment.


2.     The Council is required to approve the Budget as part of the Budget and Policy Framework.

Supporting documents: