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Agenda item

Housing Development Programme


Members previously agreed that Officers should identify the potential redevelopment of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) land (including under- used garage sites) that provided an immediate opportunity for new affordable housing. The Housing Development Programme (‘HDP’) had been created to forward the implementation of this task, both in the short and long-term.


The Strategic Housing Team had been considering various options to ensure the sustainable long-term delivery of affordable housing, primarily the option of creating a Housing Company. Housing companies have a proven track record in assisting achieving its housing objectives.


The government exercises control or influence over rent policies in the Housing Revenue (HRA) whereas a company can have greater flexibility over rent levels.


Potentially this could benefit the financial sustainability of the affordable housing portfolio allowing a solid business model to expand housing numbers.  There were a variety of alternative funding sources a Company could access that could be beneficial to ensuring sustainable delivery of Affordable Housing.  The retained right to buy receipts could be utilised to aid the supply of affordable housing to the company.


A company could also be a vehicle to purchase high levels of affordable housing in a large development. This would finance a significant injection of affordable homes.


The report focussed on updating the Committee in relation to principal workstreams within the Strategic Housing Development Programme (SHDP).  The aims and objectives of which were to deliver wider neighbourhood renewal including Council built Affordable Housing, Public Realm, access and wayfinding improvements, safer sustainable movement, Landscape and urban ecology enhancements and rationalisation of car parking to include additional  spaces.


The workstreams were being structured currently into a rolling programme and external partnerships were being developed and secured.


In terms of the SHDP live projects at present included Barnston Way and Brookfield Close developments, alongside parking capacity and pedestrian permeability improvements in Hutton (Whittington road area).


The report also provided an initial brief on the potential Coram Green area development (which would in future include further parking proposals and wider neighbourhood renewals).


Tracey Lilley presented to the Committee on the Strategic Housing Development Programme. 


A motion was MOVED by Cllr Hossack and SECONDED by Cllr Kerslake to agree the recommendations in the report.


A vote was taken by a show of hands and it was RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY:


R1. That the Committee formally notes progress in relation to the HDP, Barnston Way and Brookfield Close sites.


R2. That the Committee formally gives delegated authority to the Director of Enforcement and Housing in consultation with the Chair of Housing to explore options for a Housing Company and make recommendations to the next appropriate Policy, Resources & Economic Development Committee (PRED).


R3. That the feasibility report outcomes are reported to the next appropriate Environment, Enforcement & Housing Committee.


Reasons for Recommendation

The HDP sought to work towards a strategic and concerted effort to forward maximisation of Housing assets, through providing much needed affordable housing within the Borough.


Option 1 was recommended as the most transparent option for the Council and supports the ‘Getting our House in Order’ transformation programme for  Housing Services. It worked towards ensuring financial stability, revenue protection and housing development.

Supporting documents: