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Agenda item

Urgent Business - Senior Management Structure – Appointment of Statutory Officers

An item of business may only be considered where the Chair is of the opinion that, by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the Minutes, the item should be considered as a matter of urgency.



The report before Members had been circulated as a confidential item but it was subsequently decided that it was appropriate that the matters under consideration be discussed in open session. 


Members were advised that the Staff Appointments Committee met on the 20 June 2019 to discuss the senior Management Structure and the Appointments of Statutory Officers.


A proposed senior officer structure had been approved by Policy, Projects and Resources Committee on 5th February 2019. Following an internal recruitment process for the vacant position of Director of Corporate Resources it was recommended by Staff Appointments Committee that Jacqueline Van Mellaerts be appointed to the role.


Since the Annual Council meeting had taken place it had been agreed that the current Chief Executive, Philip Ruck,  would leave the Council due to retirement,  his termination date having been 20 June 2019.


The Senior Management structure had since been reviewed and a revised management structure was attached to the report as Appendix A.


As the Chief Executive position was vacant, the Leader wished to proceed with recruitment for a full time position which would include the roles of Head of Paid Service, Returning Officer and Director of Seven Arches Investment Limited (SAIL). The recruitment process would be carried out in accordance with statutory requirements for the recruitment of the Head of Paid Service.


Pending the recruitment of a Chief Executive, it was recommended by the Staff Appointments Committee that Steve Summers be appointed as Interim Chief Executive which role would include the statutory position of Head of Paid Services and Returning Officer and he would receive an acting up allowance.


Members noted that a new post of Director of Housing and Enforcement had been included in the revised management structure shown in Appendix A. The appointment of this post was subject to job evaluation and recruitment process as a secondment opportunity for 6 months.


Cllr Hossack MOVED and Cllr Aspinell SECONDED the recommendations in the report.


During the ensuing discussion, Cllr Bridge MOVED and Cllr Tim Barrett SECONDED that Members should Move to the Vote.  A vote was taken on a show of hands and it was  and it was RESOLVED ACCORDINGLY.


A vote was taken on a show of hands and it was





Following recommendation from Staff Appointments Committee:


1.    The Council approves the appointment of Jacqueline Van Mellaerts, currently Interim Chief Finance Officer as Director of Corporate Resources (Section 151 Officer).


2.    The Council approves the recruitment of a Full time Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service, which includes the role of Returning Officer and Director of Seven Arches Investment Limited (SAIL).


3.    The Council approves the appointment of Steve Summers, currently Chief Operating Officer, as Interim Chief Executive which includes the statutory position of Head of Paid Services and Returning Officer, pending the recruitment of a Chief Executive with the provision of an acting up allowance, which increases his total remuneration to £95,000 with effect from 21 June 2019.


4.    To note the resignation of Philip Ruck as a Director of Seven Arches Investment Ltd and to appoint Phoebe Barnes as a Director of Seven Arches Investment Ltd.


5.    To note the Senior Management Structure attached in Appendix A.

(For clarity Appendix A is attached to these minutes).



Reasons for Recommendations


The Council is required by Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 to make arrangements for the proper administration of its financial affairs and must secure that one of its officers has responsibility for the administration of those affairs. The appointment must be approved by full Council following a recommendation by the Staff Appointments Committee.


The Council has a statutory duty under Section 4 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to designate one of its officers as its Head of Paid Service to discharge functions relating to the organisation and management of staff.



Following this item of business, Cllr McLaren MOVED and Cllr Nolan SECONDED that the second item of Urgent Business – Audit and Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference – should be considered. A vote was taken on a show of hands and it was



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