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Agenda item


Demolition of existing buildings, creation of new Vehicular access, construction of twelve x one bed and seven x two bed flats in four blocks including six x shared ownership units, provision of bin and bike stores, parking areas, landscaping and associated works.



Members were advised that the Chair disclosed a personal interest and therefore stepped down from this role as Chair on this application.  Cllr Mynott become Chair for the duration of this item.


Cllr Mynott asked for nomination for a Vice-Chair for this item only.  Cllr Mynott nominated Cllr Lloyd.  A vote was taken on a show of hands and Cllr Lloyd was appointed Vice-Chair for the duration of this item.


Mr Anderson was present and addressed the Committee in objection of the application.


Mr Hayhurst was also present and addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Cllr Harman from Herongate and Ingrave Parish Council spoke in objection of the application and raised concerns relating to the wildlife, conservative area and traffic flow on the Brentwood Road (A128).


Highways Officer were not convinced that standards over visibility can be made for a new access road on a main distributor road.  This would therefore be contrary the Local Transport Plan 2006-2011.


Ward Members spoke in objection of this application.  Expressing her concerns with speeding and traffic flow.


A motion was MOVED by Cllr Mynott and SECONDED by Cllr Mrs Squirrell.


FOR:               Cllrs Cloke, Mrs Cohen, Mrs Hones, Hossack, Lloyd,                                       McCheyne, Mynott, Quirk, Mrs Squirrell and Reed (10)


AGAINST:      (0)


ABSTAIN:      (0)


RESOLVED that the planning permission is refused for the following reasons:


R1       U09466         

The proposal would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework (The Framework). It would detract from the openness of the Green Belt and would represent an encroachment of development into the Green Belt countryside.  The proposal would therefore conflict with Brentwood Replacement Local Plan Policies GB1 and GB2 the objectives of which are fully consistent with the objectives of the Framework as regards development in Green Belts.  The Framework indicates that within Green Belts inappropriate development is harmful and should not be approved except in very special circumstances.  The Framework goes on to indicate that "very special circumstances" will not exist unless the potential harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by other considerations.  The considerations set out by the applicant and identified by local planning authority do not clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt arising from this proposal and it follows that the "very special circumstances" needed to justify the approval of inappropriate development in the Green Belt have not been demonstrated.


R2       U09467         

The design of the buildings, by reason of their repetition and uniformity fails to integrate into the existing natural, built and historic environment, which would detract from the character and appearance of the area in conflict with Policy CP1 (i) of the Brentwood Replacement Local Plan and one of the aims of the Framework (para. 56 and 61 refer) which requires new development to be of high quality and good design.


R3       U09468         

As a result of its scale,siting and design the proposal would be unacceptably harmful to the setting of the Grade II* registered park Thorndon Hall, the setting of the Grade II listed building Park House, and to the adjacent Conservation Areas.  The harm to the significance of heritage assets would be "less than substantial" as defined by the Framework; however that harm would not be outweighed by public benefits arising from the proposal.  The proposal would therefore conflict with Policies C14 and C15 of the Brentwood Replacement Local Plan and the objectives of the Framework as regards heritage assets.  The matters put forward by the applicant are noted but these are not sufficient to outweigh the harm to heritage assets.


R4       U09469         

There would not be provision of a sufficient vehicular visibility splays of 2.4m x 90m to the north, the creation and use of this access would therefore result in vehicles emerging with inadequate visibility which would result in an unacceptable degree of hazard to all road users to the detriment of highway safety. The proposed development therefore conflicts with Policy T2 of the Brentwood Replacement Local Plan 2005 and the aims and objectives of the Framework.


R5       U09470         

The matters advanced by the applicant in support of the application would not clearly outweigh the harm the development would cause through inappropriateness, reduction in openness of the Green Belt within which the site is located, harm to the character and appearance of area including the conservation areas and Listed building . Therefore, the very special circumstances necessary to justify the grant of planning permission for inappropriate development do not exist. 


(Cllr Baker declared a non pecuniary interest under the Councils Code of Conduct by virtue knowing a family member of the owner and therefore stepped down from this role as Chair and did not participate in the discussion or vote)


The meeting was adjourned for 10 mins for a comfort break.

Supporting documents: